
Throughout history there were always tendencies in human’s eating habit. As nutrition evolved, so did our food choices. However, the media always had a greater impact over the population than plain and clear research data. For example, there was a time when people over ate carbohydrates because they though that grains and all cereals are natural, which must mean that they are good. After this came a period in which, due to the desire of building muscles and misinterpreting all the beneficial facts, protein quantities were hugely exaggerated. In recent years fats, which are a must for your health, got neglected while fiber got a huge exposure. But what is dietary fiber? First of all it is a macro-nutrient which has the characteristics of a carbohydrate but doesn’t have any calories.
This is the reason why we have all these fiber diets everywhere and which are … let’s just say ... idiotic. But lets get back to the subject… Fiber can be of 2 kinds:

-          Dietary fiber. This is the non digestible part and it’s primarily formed of lignen. You can think of this as the hard part of the plants, the ones that keep in erect. This doesn’t mean that all the plants that stand straight have fiber.
-          Functional fiber. This is the component that is actually helpful and is used by your body. Beta glucan is an example for this category. It can be found in oats and is famous for its cholesterol lowering ability.
Fibers can also be classified by their solubility in water.  In general insoluble fibers regulate the bowel function, while soluble fibers lower cholesterol and glucose levels.

Keep in mind that a source is not all soluble or all insoluble but rather a mixture.

whole wheat, nuts vegetables, beans, salary
oats, peas, beans red pink, barley / pairs, apples, berries, carrots

-          prevents constipation
-          promotes digestive health
-          lowers blood cholesterol
-          controls blood sugar levels

Under 50 years old: Men 38grams, Women 25 grams
Over 50 years old: Men 30 grams, Women 21 grams

Research suggest that fiber can reduce the risk of developing various conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease, and constipation. However as shown earlier it can't be used as building material for our body (protein), and it doesn't provide energy (carbohydrates or fats), so trying to get on a fiber only diet would only keep your body away from the things he really needs.


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